Sign this petition to stop the export of billions of gallons of California’s water!


Kip Andersen, the director of Cowspiracy, is very concerned about the effects of animal agriculture on the environment. Like, extremely concerned. Check out his petition on! Kip says:

When I learned that the fracking industry — despite the drought — used 70  million gallons of water last year alone, I was stunned. When I
learned that the Nestlé bottled water corporation is taking hundreds of
millions of gallons of California’s water to sell it back to the
population, I got angry. But, when I learned that animal agriculture in
California is using a staggering amount of 4.8 trillion gallons per
year, I was shocked! So shocked indeed, that I made a film about it.

I couldn’t believe that the meat and dairy industry accounts for 47 percent
of California’s water footprint
, yet no one is trying to regulate this
thirsty industry!

But here is the most painful truth: California exports 100 billion gallons of water in the form of alfalfa every year to Asia for meat and dairy production!

Governor Jerry Brown has declared a drought emergency for the state
of California. California residents have been asked to be vigilant and
cut back on household water use, but only about 5 percent of California’s water
footprint is individual, personal use
. This will not help solve the
severe problem that we’re all facing!

Join me in asking Governor Jerry Brown to hold the meat and
dairy industry responsible for its tremendous water usage and STOP THE

This is totally serious. Not only does nearly half of California’s water go to local animal agriculture, the state sends another 100 billion gallons’ worth of alfalfa to Asia for that continent’s animal agriculture. That is outrageous! You love California produce? You don’t want to see the state dry up into an uninhabitable desert? Sign the petition! Get everyone you know to sign the petition! Do it now!