Sophie’s Bistro: swoon-worthy vegan options in New Jersey!


I’ve been listening to friends and family rave about Sophie’s Bistro for years now. While they do “feature the best of fresh & locally grown produce including many herbs from our own garden,” as a classic French bistro there’s just never been any reason for me to visit (if you catch my drift).


Fast forward to a few weeks ago when I was tipped off to the fact that someone who works at Sophie’s is vegan and the next thing I knew there was a crepe festival happening (I love crepes) and the first offering listed was vegan! Of course I hightailed it right over for research purposes. [Ed. note: Abby is a dedicated scientist]


The savory crepe was both enormous and impressive: the leeks were slightly sweet and the mushrooms just earthy enough. Paired with a spectacular ratatouille, it goes without saying that I cleaned my plate.

While there were no other specifically vegan offerings on the menu, our waiter kindly and easily accommodated me with an appetizer by slightly modifying the salade de chevre chaud with endive, roasted beets, mixed greens in house vinaigrette to make it vegan-friendly without necessitating a fuss of any kind.


And, as if that wasn’t enough, he went beyond the call of duty by recommending a new, nearby vegan restaurant for dessert (review coming soon). THAT is a professional; I was really feelin’ the love, Sophie’s!


While I will most always choose a vegan restaurant over an omnivorous restaurant with vegan options, it’s important to me to support establishments that are earnestly trying to be more inclusive–particularly when their vegan options are as fantastic as this crepe. I’m so glad I finally had the opportunity to try Sophie’s; it’s a uniquely adorable and impeccably staffed gem.

I don’t know if they have any intention of including vegan menu items in the future, but I would like to point out that while vegans may choose not to partake in non-vegan offerings, everyone can enjoy a vegan dish. To Sophie’s and other omnivorous restaurants, I ask you to take this into consideration: not only will vegan options pique the interest of your regular diners, but their inclusion is sure to make the lone vegan in a group or family of omnis very happy. Not to mention that if you continue on a vegan-friendly path I will return soon, often, and with a pack of friendly Vegansaurs (including 89 if you’re into ferocious cute puppies on your outdoor patio).