Sugar-free? Lily’s Sweets Chocolates are a SWEET answer!


Banana Nut Muffins (with Lily’s dark chocolate baking chips) from Isa Does It by the infamous Isa Chandra Moskowitz. 

I’m an equal opportunity eater, so when Lily’s Sweets sent me their Premium Dark Chocolate Baking Chips I was happy to make something tasty with them. I had almost all the ingredients on hand to make some muffins, so it was the obvious choice! 

The most SWEET (get it?!) fact about Lily’s is that the company named themselves after a now 13-year-old girl who is a cancer survivor and they donate a portion of their proceeds to childhood cancer.

According to their website,

“When Lily was seven years old, she was diagnosed with brain cancer. Doctors operated success­fully, but the surgery to remove her tumor left her with some immobility. Lily spent months learning to walk again. Though she suffered some nerve damage, she held on to her sense of humor and through it all kept everyone around her entertained and amazed at her progress.

Throughout her recovery at Children’s Hospital in Philadelphia, there was a shortage of electric wheelchairs. It made Lily sad to see kids having to wait for a turn to use one. When she returned home, she worked with her family to raise $9,000 for an additional chair.

A couple of years later, Lily’s cancer came back, but she beat it again, returning home months before her doctors thought it possible.”

What a badass kid!!! 

Their products are Certified Fair Trade, non-GMO, certified gluten-free, have no added sugar and offer 25{ae720e0b436026f867bfa0c31185c2252a138f27e85f5f152ec5acc1c10a8cc9} fewer calories than conventional chocolate…aka EAT AS MUCH AS YOU WANT (my opinion, not theirs). I’ve seen them at local health food stores and Whole Foods. You can see what stores carry their products on they’re their website
