“The center’s parent agency, the Agriculture Department, strictly polices the treatment of animals at…”

The center’s parent agency, the Agriculture Department, strictly polices the treatment of animals at slaughterhouses and private laboratories. But it does not closely monitor the center’s use of animals, or even enforce its own rules requiring careful scrutiny of experiments.

As a result, the center — built on the site of a World War II-era ammunition depot a two-hour drive southwest of Omaha, and locked behind a security fence — has become a destination for the kind of high-risk, potentially controversial research that other institutions will not do or are no longer allowed to do.

Animal Welfare at Risk in Experiments for Meat Industry – NYTimes.com

If you haven’t seen this yet, this quote gives a hint of the suffering the article describes. It seems to be causing quite a stir; I hope maybe it changes things. What do you think?