The ‘I’d Rather … Than Wear Fur’ Challenge

We’re teaming up with FightMe, the 30-second challenge app, to spread the word that animals are not fabric.

Before fur reaches store shelves, animals endure a life of misery, pain and fear. In the “I’d Rather … Than Wear Fur” Challenge, FightMe users record 30-second videos that show the world what they’d rather do than wear fur and nominate their friends to do the same.

PETA FightMe

The campaign was kicked off by champion freerunner Tim Shieff, who showed his support by jumping into an ice-cold reservoir and challenged his fans to show off how far they’d go to reject fur. So far entries have including eating a raw onion, walking barefoot downtown and even kissing a stranger!

Check out all the entries and take part yourself. Download the app, record your video, nominate friends and show the world just how cruel it is to wear fur!

Take Part

The post The ‘I’d Rather … Than Wear Fur’ Challenge appeared first on PETA UK.