To Serve Dog Part 2

In Part 1 of my To Serve Dog series, I set out the recipe for turning your favourite family pet into your favourite family dinner.
This is taken literally in Yulin, China, where the annual?dog-eating festival?is being celebrated. In the traditional summer-solstice event,?”thousands of locals and tourists consume barbecued, stir-fried and boiled dog meat served alongside lychees and grain alcohol.”
The grave fault with such a pursuit, and the idea of placing “tradition” over the right to life is obvious. Thankfully, local opposition to the dog feast is increasing, and the “tradition” will hopefully soon die out like other “traditions” such as human slavery.?
But the social media campaign and protests by animal rights groups attacking the festival are dripping in hypocrisy and Western-human-superiority. What about the cow, pig and sheep-eating festivals that take place in their home countries every day? Where are these animal-defending sentinels then? Petting their pooch as they down another burger?
To me there is no difference between chewing on dog, cow, whale, pig, human, cat, or any other sentient life. So if you are going to protest the eating of one of these species, you need to shed your Western food prejudices and protest the eating of all.