Transition to Veganism as a Student on a Budget

By Lydia Roscoe

Living the student lifestyle can make it seem harder to become a vegan. However, this article will go through top tips and ideas to encourage you to start your vegan journey, as a student on a budget. In every place you go, there are decisions you can make to help our planet and be ethical toward animals. This is the perfect time to start your journey!

Take it Slow

In a world that is non-vegan, it can be challenging to convert to veganism overnight. It is a very personal choice; you must go at your own pace and keep your end goal in mind. Each day, if you have three meals, you have three chances to choose a vegan alternative.

This big lifestyle change can be difficult for some. It is not a one size fits all experience, and there are many approaches you can take. But as a student on a budget, a good way to transition is to make gradual, small changes to your daily life by increasing the number of plant-based foods in your diet.

To make your next steps, here are some ways you can start the transition.

Batch Cook Your Meals

A fantastic way to save money and time is by batch cooking your meals. When returning to your accommodation, after a long day of lectures, you might want to eat vegan food, but will not be sure what to make or what you have in the cupboard. By batch cooking your meals a week or two in advance, you will have vegan choices that are healthy, easy, and ready to go.

Not to mention the ease and convenience of batch cooking your meals! You can also save a lot of money and reduce wastage. All great for the environment! Using similar base ingredients for different meals will reduce your spending. So, stock up on your pantry essentials!

Switch up the protein source

A common myth about veganism is that we just eat vegetables. That is wrong!

Across the internet, there are thousands of tasty recipes, especially on Their food ideas are creative and delicious.

Overconsumption of meat is destroying our planet, and it is very unethical toward animals. Veganism is totally against meat consumption. However, we still need to hit a certain protein intake per day to stay healthy, therefore supplementing protein intake with other sources is necessary.

There are 6 different categories of vegan food which contain protein.

Change the milk in your morning coffee

As a student, coffee can be your saving grace. At a nine a.m. lecture, in the library or during exam season, coffee can wake you up. But… coffee normally comes with cow’s milk, which is not vegan. The modern industrial complex ensures that cows are kept against their will to produce milk, which is completely unethical.

But you still need your coffee, right? Well, there are many alternatives to cow’s milk which can make coffee taste even greater than it already does. Almond, oat, coconut, and soya are all types of plant-based milk. Sometimes, plant-based alternatives can be more expensive, however, if you buy from a budget supermarket’s own brand version then the price difference is very little. So next time you have a coffee, challenge yourself to use a plant-based alternative! 

Switching to vegan skincare

Becoming vegan is not just about the food you consume; it is also about the products you use. Unfortunately, a lot of big skin care companies test on animals and use animal-derived ingredients in their products. There are now many affordable and vegan skin care products on the market to try out. Start by just switching one item at a time depending on your budget, and go from there.

The vegan life

Become vegan to do your part in the change you wish to see in the world. Everyone, even a student on a budget, can make positive changes to their daily life to help the environment, animals and improve health.

You can do this!

The post Transition to Veganism as a Student on a Budget appeared first on Vegan Action.