Vegan cheese company foils Swiss drug smuggling plot!

Punk Rawk Labs, one of our very favorite vegan cheese companies, had an interesting week. They got a huge order from Switzerland, like 40 gift packs of cheese (and there’s 4 cheeses in each pack…). So they made all the cheese, but then the buyer was being super shady. I’ll let Alissa from PRL explain: 

They wanted this courier to come pick it up and deliver it to Switzerland.  And we were like we have a UPS account, we can ship it UPS for cheaper.  And they were like, “no.  We want this courier.” And then they were insisting on paying right away with a credit card, but didn’t want to pay through Paypal. 

At that point, PRL was like um wtf is going on. So Alissa called her friend in Switzerland who’s related to a cop over there (what? you don’t have swiss cop friends?). “It turns out the courier was a front for this drug smuggling operation. And they were using us as a cover because who would suspect vegan cheese.”

YOU GUYS I CAN’T. You see why I had to share this story. Like…what? But wait, there’s more: “I’m taking it as a compliment that we even got on these people’s radar as innocent do-gooders or whatever.  But now we have a bunch of extra cheese, so we’re doing a huge sale.”

Yes, the drug ring’s loss is our gain! Now you can get any of these gift packs for 25{ae720e0b436026f867bfa0c31185c2252a138f27e85f5f152ec5acc1c10a8cc9} off on their site! Just enter code DRUGSMUGGLING. Yes for real.