Vegan Chickpea Frittatas For Life!


Hi friends! I keep posting chickpea frittatas on our Instagram (follow us! We’re so fun!) and people keep asking for the recipe. The recipe I use is from My Recession Kitchen. And it’s VERY simple. You can read the full recipe there but it’s basically 2 cups of chickpea flour, 3 cups of water, some salt and olive oil. THAT’S IT. I know right? Now the differences are I usually halve the recipe (1 cup chickpea flour, 1.5 cups water) and make a small one just in a pie pan. When you use the My Recession Kitchen recipe, you can fill a lasagna pan like I did yesterday:


The other difference is that I put veggies right in the batter before I bake it. In her recipe she eats stuff on top. I like to make it just like a quiche type thing. 

Now, just like you would with quiche, you should cook your filling before you bake the frittata. Unless you are using veggies that you would generally use raw, like the tomatoes I put in above. For this one I sautéed onions and spinach before hand until they were soft, then put tomato slices on top before I put in the oven. 


But really there are SOOOO many things you can put in your frittata. This one above just has pieces of Sweet Earth vegan bacon in it.  I also like to do shallots and corn sometimes, and vegan sausage and onion is v yum too. And of course, veggies veggies veggies! Steamed broccoli is yum in it, sautéed zucchini, anything you like. 

Ok so that is all, just wanted to point you to the recipe and give you some tips!