Victory! Foston ‘Pig Prison’ Application Withdrawn After 35,000 of You Take Action

Happy Pig Philadelphia Rescue

Good news for pigs, bad news for people who seek to abuse them – we’ve just got word that plans to build a monstrous new factory farm in Foston, Derbyshire have been shelved!

The facility proposed by Midland Pig Producers (MPP) would have imprisoned up to 25,000 intelligent animals at a time in filthy, crowded sheds, and sent around 1,000 pigs a week to slaughter. The application, which has been hanging over the area for years, threatened to usher in a new era of US-style intensive farming even worse than the existing factory farms in this country.

Over 35,000 compassionate PETA supporters voiced objections to the proposal by contacting Derbyshire County Council – and your voices made a difference. The proposal had already been rejected by the Environment Agency last month over fears about offensive odours and other negative environmental impacts.

Now, in the face of such strong opposition, Midland Pig Producers have withdrawn their application – a victory for pigs, who are sensitive, interesting animals whose intelligence is on a par with that of dogs and chimpanzees. On factory farms, they have no opportunity to fulfil their natural instincts and often go insane from constant confinement.

Thank you for helping to make sure this appalling facility never gets built!

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