Vida Vegan Con III, the vegan blogging conference to end all…

Vida Vegan Con III, the vegan blogging conference to end all conferences EVER, is coming to Austin on May 29-31 2015, and you totally want to either speak at it or go to it because it’s THE BEST EVENT ON EARTH. Seriously, it’s all the raddest vegans, all the best vegan food, and panels and hang outs and galas and silent auctions and snacks and I’m telling you, it’s vegan summer camp, but more awesome than that sounds. It’s just the mickey fickey BEST.

Here’s details for applying to speak. (Do this before July 9th! Do it! You totally have something amazing to say!)

Here’s details for early registration, which opens THIS FRIDAY!

Now, go apply to speak! Or put early registration in your calendar! DO IT NOW! The world needs to see you and hear you in all your amazing vegan glory.

And with that! I’ll see you in Austin and we will have the most fun together, promise.