We Stand With ‘Charlie Hebdo’ in Rejecting Oppression and Violence in All Forms

Je Suis Charlie

The violence in France yesterday shocked the world. Twelve people died, including Charlie Hebdo‘s lead cartoonist, Cabu, who earlier this week gave a drawing to our friends at French animal rights group L214 denouncing the cruelty of foie gras production.

Charlie Hebdo is the only French newspaper that dedicates a weekly column to animal rights, tackling issues from bullfighting to dolphinaria.

Violence is a social issue, and violence against humans is linked to violence against other species. Yesterday’s losses are being felt by all compassionate people, including those who stand for animal rights. We at PETA stand with Charlie Hebdo in rejecting oppression and violence in all forms.

To those who lost their lives, rest in peace – and to everyone mourning them, we are with you.