Why Have We Washed Manchester’s Pavements to Spread the Veggie Message?

“Meat Is Still Murder” – that’s the message that we’ve quite literally taken to the streets of Manchester, with 20 stencils throughout the city to celebrate the 55th birthday of compassionate legend Morrissey!


The innovative street art is an example of “clean advertising”, using stencils to wash the pavement and leave a message behind.


Thirty years since The Smiths first proclaimed that “meat is murder”, the eye-catching campaign in Morrissey’s hometown – which also coincides with National V
egetarian Week
– reminds people that millions of animals a day are still being unnecessarily slaughtered for food in Britain. What’s more, before being killed, most of these animals suffer every single day of their lives, as they are mutilated, imprisoned and denied everything that they need to be happy on severely crowded farms.


Morrissey’s commitment to speaking out against this type of cruelty is continuously inspiring. His many actions to help animals include donating the only signed hardback of his autobiography to PETA last year, raising £8,300 for animals, using a £10,000 settlement he received from Channel 4 to help us campaign against cruel foie gras and posing with a cat on his head to raise awareness of animal overpopulation!

Vegetarians such as Morrissey don’t just save animals from immense suffering on factory farms, in abattoirs and on the decks of fishing boats – they also have a lower carbon footprint as well as a lower risk of developing heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity.

It’s also really easy to make the switch to a meat-free diet. Ordering our free vegan starter kit is a great first step – get yours here.