Win a copy of Teff Love, the highly anticipated vegan Ethiopian cookbook!

Abby Bean, one of our own (that’s ME!*), was one of the recipe testers for the upcoming cookbook, Teff Love: Adventures in Vegan Ethiopian Cooking by Kittee Berns. As such, she is fully qualified to vouch for the book (incredible!) and to tell you that you unequivocally need it in your life.


Assuming that you somehow forgot to pre-order your copy, now is your chance to win one! If you’re feeling lucky, go directly to Kittee’s Cake Maker to the Stars blog and enter to win. If you have a keen understanding of the law of averages, go ahead and buy one. Not into pre-orders? They’ll be in bookstores on January 15—that’s less than a week away. Either way, there are merely days standing between a sad, hungry you and a you surrounded by massive plates full of Ethiopian feasts!

As always, watch this space for all things vegan and important more exciting news about the release: including participation in an upcoming Teff Love blog tour!!

Contest ends January 18th, midnight, PST.

*Please note that Abby Bean does not always speak in the third person.